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SEOers will always discuss some of the influencing factors of Google SEO ranking after dinner, although we all know that website content and website external links are very important, but often we do a good job in the case of website content and external links, the ranking will still decline or be unstable, although we …

Do you know all the 24 Google SEO Search Ranking Factors? Read More »

眾所周知在谷歌海外推广的過程中社交媒體營銷所占比重是很高的,2020年特別是受到疫情影響,外貿行業利用傳統展會、平台等形式發掘客戶已經不再適用了,如何通過新的渠道來發掘客戶是外貿行業迫在眉睫急需解決的問題,而LinkedIn作為唯一一家獲准在國內運營的海外社交媒體平台,雖然大家都知道它是一個求職和招聘集一體的平台,但是卻忽視了它還是發現並於客戶建立聯系的最佳社交媒體平台。 LinkedIn領英最適合B端外貿的社交平台,客戶質量非常高。是一個任何外貿人都不能放過,更不能錯過的開發客戶新渠道。對很多優秀外貿人來說,他們早已將領英視為收集潛在客戶信息資源的有效來源。 如今領英已經成了外貿行業開發客戶的香餑餑。根據最新數據顯示,LinkedIn領英全球用戶超過6億,中國LinkedIn領英用戶已經突破5千萬,而中國LinkedIn領英用戶裏超過80%都是從事外貿出口相關業務的,也就是說你的同行很可能早已經通過LinkedIn領英開發客戶,搶占市場了。 一個優秀的領英帳號是可以為你持續性的帶來客戶,帶來詢盤,帶來訂單的。如何利用LinkedIn領英高效開發客戶資源和穩定有效的詢盤?我們不妨向那些優秀的外貿人學習,試試社交化主動式開發。 搜索尋找潛在客戶 領英自帶模糊查詢功能,搜索框輸入關鍵詞(產品關鍵詞、人名、公司名),它會給你列出一堆搜索結果,有完全匹配的也有半匹配的。 通過LinkedIn領英直接找出目標國家內自己產品的所有潛在客戶,從中找到關鍵人的郵箱、或公司的領英賬號,快速精准的搜索獲得海量豐富的客戶資源。 良好的內容互動率 內容互動率指的是一篇內容的點贊、轉發、評論、轉化的數量。在LinkedIn中,一個賬號發布的內容獲得越多的互動,賬號就會在相關的搜索和類目結果中,獲得越好的排名與推薦曝光。這一點提示我們,發布內容一定要優質,而不是粗制濫造。 自我營銷 既然是商業社交圈,那麼如何讓客戶信任你?專業的形象,自信的表現,對本行業產品的認知,這些都可以通過LinkedIn profile, Article或Share An Update,以及Company page等體現出來。 加入LinkedIn領英群組 加入一些與你的行業,利基或興趣相關的小組,擴大你在領英LinkedIn上的社交圈。參與小組活動是一種以有機方式結識潛在客戶並與之互動的好方法。 LinkedIn領英SEO優化排名 領英是一個搜索引擎,有自己的排名機制。你在LinkedIn領英上的搜索結果中排名越靠前,客戶找到你的幾率就越大。因此對於外貿企業來說,SEO優化搜索就是很好的一個方法。 公司品牌與產品宣傳推廣 領英是可以建立公司主頁,發布產品的。這無疑是一個展示企業形象,增加客戶信任的機會。通過LinkedIn企業主頁,多角度展示品牌和企業網站。這樣即可為公司網站引流,也能增加網站的點擊率,同時也方便對產品感興趣的客戶進行進一步溝通洽談,精准的幫助我們開發客戶。 總結一下,LinkedIn領英能從找客戶,分析客戶,跟進客戶,維護客戶等方面幫到外貿朋友,同時還能幫助企業品牌展示推廣!

How can foreign trade enterprises and brands do a good job in overseas network promotion? It has always been a topic of concern in the foreign trade industry! As we all know, overseas network promotion is one of the important channels for foreign trade enterprises and brands to expand overseas markets. Today, Youyihua will share …

How to do overseas network promotion for foreign trade brands in 2020? Read More »

As we all know, affected by the epidemic, many countries or cities have implemented the measures of lockdown, the implementation of this measure, directly led to the offline consumer market (shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas) and other serious blows, and even many stores directly closed down, facing the huge impact of the epidemic, compared with offline, …

The rise of the “stay-at-home economy” under the epidemic How to lay out the overseas network promotion and marketing market of cross-border e-commerce Read More »

Affected by the epidemic, the offline marketing activities of foreign trade enterprises have been generally affected, and the opportunities for face-to-face communication with customers have been greatly reduced. When foreign trade enterprises are faced with the dilemma of order cancellation, a large loss of overseas customers, and the suspension of offline exhibitions, some companies seize …

The digital transformation of traditional foreign trade does a good job in these three points, and customer orders do not have to worry Read More »

In the face of the impact of the epidemic, many foreign exhibitions are also facing cancellation and postponement, so we have received a lot of customer inquiries, the exhibition is an indispensable lifeline for those small and medium-sized enterprises, how to maintain the company’s operation after the exhibition? How do you keep your brand active? …

It is difficult to participate in the exhibition under the epidemic, and foreign trade enterprises should do these points and actively save themselves! Read More »

Today we are going to talk about an urgent question, how do we prepare for the epidemic? How do you retain overseas customers? Is there any way we can break through the restrictions of the epidemic and achieve cooperation and communication? What tools can do that? In the past, when we connected with customers, we …

One trick to boost remote productivity Read More »

Today, AI technology has become very common, bringing convenience to many industries, and even bringing disruptive power to the marketing industry. AI helps marketers perform their work, enhance the efficiency of their entire marketing team, and can even harness repetitive tasks to do more with the least number of people. However, with the vast scope …

AI technology combined with social media to rewrite the fate of enterprises Read More »

Hong Kong companies are going through a grim time, and both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and international enterprises, especially those that have been stereotyped as political, will be greatly affected. Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology, netizens have divided stores of all sizes into “yellow” and “blue” colors, and even made mobile phone …

“Political color” is involved in business, how should you deal with yourself? Read More »

The importance and power of Digital Marketing Things are changing every second in Information Technology Industry. In 21st century, the enhanced digital products have created a brand-new living style. In the past, people tend to enjoy watching TV while they are having meals. For now, mobile phone has entirely replaced TV and can do even …

What is Digital Marketing? Read More »

After a tumultuous year, businesses must understand the top three marketing trends for 2020 to seize the golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and win more business. Market 1: Video Marketing is the most popular marketing strategy According to an analysis by Smart Insight, a marketplace learning platform, 83% of marketers in video marketing …

Top 3 Marketing Trends for 2020 Win more business Read More »

A digital marketing model is a marketing model that can carry all businesses. Even if others plagiarize, there are ways to continue to change it, and even get better. But it’s important to note that what works in someone else’s business doesn’t mean it works in yours. And if the digital marketing model is not …

How to build a successful e-business model? Read More »

在互聯網尚未普及的時代,資訊的傳遞非常「單向」,我們接觸的資訊來源主要是大眾媒體──消息經由記者接收、由記者進行消化、整理、報道,再傳達至你與我。然而,在當今的世代,資訊不單不是單向,有是「多面向」,有如蜘蛛網,你我他可以獨立連結,也可以以群組的方式地集體連繫。從群眾的角度而言,當中尤其由 KOL(Key Opinion Leader,關鍵意見領袖)扮演著舉足輕重的角色,KOL 對在社交媒體所發表的評價,不單是吸引無數跟隨者的眼球,更影響很多人的消費決定。不難明白的是,很多品牌管理者、廣告商,現在都力求找到優秀的 KOL 以達致廣告的效果。 那麼,一位優秀的 KOL 該具備什麼條件?知名度高就一定有影響力嗎?其實不然。知名度和影響力,兩者都是重要的指標,然而,兩者未必有正比的關係。 一個知名度高的 KOL,很可能有大量的支持者(即粉絲,Fans)或者跟隨者(Followers),但未必代表這位 KOL 可以影響他們的消費決定;反之,一個具有強大影響力的 KOL,可能他算不上是街知巷聞,但他的一小撮的支持者對他可是亦步亦趨。 揀選 KOL 的質與量指標 再深入一些去想,行銷人員在評核如何選擇合適的 KOL 時,該考慮什麼因素?憑藉著我們團隊所累積的經驗,在此分享一下在選擇 KOL 時需要考慮的因素。 第一,質量上(Qualitative)的指標。 我們會視乎內容切合度(Content Affinity),當中我們會經常參考的有 4 個指標: 1.相關性(Relevancy) 我們會首先看該KOL是否該產品的使用者,有否寫網上資訊(Feed),他/她本身的專長是否與該行業 / 產品有關。 2.外貌及品味(Look & Style) 在這方面,香港人的確較為膚淺,這因素對消費者而言都相當重要,我們都會看KOL在互聯網上是否表現出吸引觀眾的外貌和品味,也看他/她的言論有否正面的能量?還是較情緒化或被動?這些都是很重要的因素,因為他外貌和品味關乎到他是否與該品牌切合。 3.語氣及行為(Tone & Manner) 從 KOL 的網上發佈,我們會看看 KOL 如何用字? 當他描述產品時,當中的用字是否切合品牌的需要?當中的語氣又是否能夠吸引(Engage)目標客戶群(Target Audience)?因為在網上,有些 KOL 有時說話較為輕佻或偏激,而如果品牌的目標客戶群是比較成熟穩重的話,這 KOL 的切合性就值得存疑了。 4.經驗(Experience & Voice) 我們會看 KOL …

KOL(關鍵意見領袖) Read More »

If you want to do a good job in website publicity, you must first know yourself and know your opponent, you must first observe the better websites in your peers from the perspective of a user, understand and observe the structure and practicability of their official websites, whether it is very convenient in practical applications, …

Teach you how to do a good job of website promotion Read More »

Every company’s official website hopes to convey more corporate information to the Internet that browses the web, including its own corporate culture, products and services. This requires the web design of the official website to be very well done, and then optimize and innovate the details on the basis of meeting the habits of most …

The specific production process of web design Read More »

Why should you do website analytics? Numbers are always specific, and only a careful quantitative study of the website can give a better understanding of the visitor’s profile. The interests of the interviewees and the size of the needs play a leading role in the realization of business goals. In order to promote consumption and …

Discuss the need for website analysis to keep pace with the times Read More »

Network publicity is to let more online friends know about the products or activities they want to promote through the Internet, which is a form of Internet promotion. Let’s take a look at the common means of online publicity. First, the method of borrowing momentum can be adopted. The scope of this borrowing is relatively …

What are the means of online publicity? Read More »

Network marketing is the use of the Internet by enterprises for marketing, which is the continuation of network promotion. The use of the Internet for marketing, like ordinary marketing, is for the purpose of achieving corporate profits. But online marketing is not online sales, it is not the same as e-commerce. So, how can businesses …

Success from online marketing Read More »

The biggest feature of the major social media platforms on the Internet is that the user stickiness is very high and the interaction is also very strong, but it must be clear that the social media platform is only a platform for marketing, and the main purpose is to attract target users to participate in …

Tips on how social media platforms should be marketed Read More »

Baidu as the largest Chinese search engine, Baidu SEO is very important. Baidu SEO optimization is to make the website have a good ranking on Baidu. Baidu’s optimization is more difficult than Google’s, and I will introduce to you how to do Baidu SEO below. 1.there must be good content What Baidu wants is your …

How to do Baidu SEO? What are the tips? Read More »

Website SEO is all about search engine optimization, which improves a website’s ranking on search engines. Below I can introduce a few tips about website SEO, I hope those who are interested can learn it. 1. Optimization of website structure The optimization of the website structure is beneficial to the user’s search engine and can facilitate …

What are the tips for optimizing the structure of the website Read More »

Only when the website is continuously optimized and innovated to ensure more and wider hot keywords can it bring more and more visitors, starting from the most basic visitor traffic click-through rate, attracting more attention at the lowest cost, and better promoting the sales of tangible products and intangible services. This is the need for …

The promising significance of Google seo development Read More »

Nearly 80% of the traffic to every website comes from search engine websites, so if you want to increase your website views, you must rely on SEO promotion efforts. Generally speaking, SEO promotion involves two aspects: internal optimization and external optimization. Internal optimization It refers to the optimization of the website title, keywords and website …

How to do SEO promotion work Read More »

In order to let readers know more, I interviewed the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (HKYWCA) and the Asbury Methodist Social Service to analyse the development and needs of these NGOs in digitalisation. #6.1 Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association For large organizations like the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (HKYWCA), which has …

Digitalisation demand from non-governmental organisations Read More »

In Hong Kong, and even in the world, Yahoo accounts for a relatively high proportion, but there are many search engines on the market, what is the difference between each one, and what kind of difference can be made between products? First of all, Yahoo SEO is mainly a professional term for professionals in online …

How Yahoo seo differs from other crawlers Read More »

Network propaganda is the use of the Internet for publicity, now we are using the network every day, the network has a wide coverage, can help us to carry out effective publicity, the following I will be further introduced, teach you to know it. 1. Methods of online publicity activities 1. You can promote your …

Methods and advantages of online publicity Read More »

First of all, pay attention to the product brand logo, advertising slogan and specific brand style displayed on all social platforms. It is necessary to customize a unified style, and then make pictures of different specifications according to the picture and text format requirements of different social platforms, and ensure that the brand identity is …

What aspects should be paid attention to in social platform promotion Read More »

First of all, the promotion of the discussion forum should screen out the discussion area with high popularity, people have a herd mentality, there are many people to squeeze there, the popularity of the discussion area is the key to determine whether your post can become popular, as long as the post is popular, there …

Mastering board promotion is a few simple steps Read More »

Overturn the cumbersome website building procedures, escape from the shackles of specialization, a number of “simple, personalized, practical” based website building platforms have arisen, they are “unprofessional” for us, to provide more “professional” website building services. What if you only know simple and common code tags, even if you don’t know anything about web design, …

The website building platform should be people-oriented, supplemented by personality Read More »

Today’s social platform can be described as strange, but it can meet people’s various needs, and a social platform can help enterprises and businesses win more potential customers, and can also help enterprises to carry out better network promotion, so this design platform is very popular with enterprises and businesses. However, in order to have …

Social platforms serve to provide better opportunities Read More »


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