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Take Your digital marketing to New Heights: Harness OKRs for Strategic Success

Take Your digital marketing to New Heights: Harness OKRs for Strategic Success

OKR, the new buzzword in digital marketing, revolutionizing goal setting and performance tracking with its data-driven and outcome-oriented approach.

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. It is focused on having clear, specific objectives of what we want to achieve. And then having the measurement framework in place to ensure that we are tracking our results in a measurable and time-bound way.

Digital advertising using OKR:

Our experience after having adopted OKR for digital advertising, is that ad strategy can be tailored to client’s specific goals. And Key Results are delivered through continuous ad optimization and budget allocation, using real-time Omnichannel data from Google HK, Facebook, IG, YouTube and Programmatic.

Take a real-life example of a client we’ve worked with, JC Beauty came to us with the clear objectives of increase website impressions and leads, while reducing cost per conversion. Focused on these objectives, and in collaboration with the JC Beauty’s team, together we achieved 1,468 leads, 8 million+ impressions, and 52% reduction in cost per conversion in just 3 months’ time.

SEO using OKR:

By implementing OKRs in our SEO strategies, we have been able to set clear and ambitious objectives tailored to each client’s unique goals, such as increasing organic traffic, improving keyword rankings, or enhancing website visibility.

Taking a real example of how we’ve helped our clients using this approach. The Hong Kong Adventist Hospital came to us with the clear objectives of increase search engine visibility of HKAH’s specialist medical services and emergency medical services on both Google and Yahoo, increase website traffic and elevate conversions such as app downloads and form submissions. Through asserted efforts, we achieved 105% of agreed SEO KPI for specialist medical services (Google) and 200% of agreed SEO KPI for emergency medical services (Google and Yahoo).

The OKR framework for digital marketing can work if you use it right. You can potentially streamline your digital marketing efforts by having clear objectives and ways of measurements. Whether your business objective is to increase brand awareness, or to drive more leads, as long as you know what you want to achieve, then you can measure. This focus on quantifiable results will ensure that your SEO and digital marketing strategy stays on track of what you want to achieve.

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