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When does a website use a canonical tag and a 301 redirect?

Content duplication is a problem that many websites face. When we find duplicate content on our website, should we use a 301 or a Canonical? 1. What is Canonical Tag? Canonical Tag is a URL that tells the search engine when there is a page with duplicate content on the website that it wants to appear in the search results, and adding this tag is equivalent to declaring to the search engine that there may be duplicate content on the page, but indicating the version that the search engine should crawl. This can avoid confusion for search engines, and thus…

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Why brand exposure is inseparable from content marketing?—— Guidelines for choosing a content marketing platform and do’s and don’ts for writing articles

The rapid development of the Internet has greatly changed people’s Internet search habits. We don’t search for a keyword directly and go to a merchant’s official website to learn about or buy a product like before. When we want to learn about a brand or buy a product, we first search for its brand reputation online, learn about the product from the user’s shared experience, and then decide whether to buy it, or compare the user experience of different brands before choosing the product. Content marketing is especially critical when it comes to understanding and comparing brands among buyers. How…

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Google SEO has a knack for making the number one version out of reach

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes both on-page and off-page optimization, which is optimized to make a website conform to the rules of search engines, be recognized, and rank naturally. Both of these optimizations are the focus of SEO. The following will explain the T&D (Title and Description), Keywords, and website updates of internal site optimization. Distinguish between site categories before optimizing, as different types of sites have different on-page optimization methods. The three common types of websites are: informational websites, B2B corporate websites, and B2C merchandise websites. Google’s T&D requirements for all websites are the same, i.e. 60 words for…

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There is so much social media, why do I need to do website SEO?

Social media does not directly affect a website’s ranking in search engines, but it has a positive impact on SEO. The two complement each other, so we shouldn’t compare which works better separately. The Social media platform itself is recognized by Google, so when we search for a brand on Google, Google prioritizes the brand’s social media platform. Social platforms are channels for businesses and consumers to understand and communicate with each other. Consumers want to know a brand’s reputation before they buy a product, and social media provides exactly what they need. If a brand presents product information from…

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What are the reasons for doing SEO promotion (ZMOT) for brands, and how to do brand marketing and word-of-mouth management well?

How did search engines develop? First of all, of course, there must be useful users. They search for answers to their questions online and use search engines to gather information. A search engine is like a think tank where you can find any knowledge. But where does this information come from? Not Google, of course, but other online users. The content they create may be about a brand, a business, a person, an organization, and so on. In any case, the purpose of their creation is to build a relationship with demand and increase potential customers. So, how does a…

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What is SEO optimization? Understanding Google in 2024 can help more people Find You!

The main factors that affect the SEO of a website Many people think that the selling point of SEO is ranking, and there is nothing wrong with that, but they pay too much attention to the results and ignore the process. From a literal point of view, everyone can understand that Search Engine Optimization emphasizes optimization, but optimization is not a one-step success, but a gradual meeting of Google’s various requirements. So, do you meet all of Google’s requirements to be ranked first? The answer is no! Even some of Google’s web pages are not 100% optimized, let alone other websites. There…

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