As China, Macau, and Hong Kong have reopened their borders, there is a strong rebound of tourists visiting Macau, which is great news for Macau’s casinos and resort business community.
But COVID has changed us, especially the way we buy. Modern-day consumers will always research prior to purchase and often use search terms such as <Company> 好唔好, <Company>酒店, and <Company>官網. This moment of research is referred to as Zero Moment of Truth, or simply ZMOT. This critical point in the buying process is when consumers gather information about a product or service before making a decision. They look for reviews, recommendations, and detailed information that can influence their perception and choice. When potential customers type in keywords like <Company> 好唔好, <Company>酒店, and <Company>官網, they are seeking honest feedback and reliable information to guide their decision-making process.
ZMOT contents, mostly hosted on third-party forums, can be positive or negative. What’s even scarier is that you have no control over these contents. Optimizing these contents can increase positive brand identity at this early customer buying stage and help to ‘make a good first impression’ in front of your customers.
Furthermore, YouFind’s China-specific digital marketing services can help you to connect with over 930 million Chinese internet users through WeChat, Weibo, TikTok, Meituan Dianping, and RED. We are a leading digital marketing consultancy with in-house expertise in ZMOT content optimization and China outreach. By ensuring that potential customers see favorable content when searching for terms like <Company> 好唔好, <Company>酒店, and <Company>官網, you can significantly influence their purchasing decisions and enhance your brand’s reputation.