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Several ways to promote the foreign trade website Google

There are four common ways to promote Google SEO on foreign trade websites: Creative promotion of current affairs hot content: according to current affairs hot spots, create content for promotion based on their own product information. This approach is very demanding for creators. Real-time dynamic update promotion: Insist on updating new content every day to ensure that users always see the latest and highest quality content. Mobile Internet promotion: the website must be responsive, the current mobile Internet usage rate has exceeded the PC side! Responsive website makes our foreign trade website promotion work more and more convenient. Related content promotion: Combined…

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社交媒體營銷一直是各大小品牌的重要營銷戰場。隨著社交平台巨頭陸續推出「商店」和「商品標注」等功能,社交媒體已不再只是落廣告、搞Campaign抄起品牌熱度的平台。 YouFind精心總結了四大2021年社交媒體趨勢,助您在競爭越演激烈的社交媒體戰場中脫穎而出! (1)直播購物 (Live-streaming) 持續一年的疫情讓大衆已經習慣在家購物。今時今日消費者期望於網上能與品牌直接互動和獲取所需的產品資訊。直播購物補足了以往網購所缺乏的人與人之間的互動,亦讓顧客足不出戶也能親眼看見實物,大大增加了購買意欲。 (2)社交媒體商貿 (Social Commerce) 購物功能推出後,大品牌和小網店都爭相開設他們的社交媒體商店,在可見的將來社交媒體商店很可能會成爲他們主要的生意來源。Instagram除了設置「商品標注」、「商品分類」等方便商戶傳達品牌訊息和整理商品的功能外,「結賬」功能更讓用戶不用離開APP便能完成付費流程,讓整個購物經驗流暢無阻。 (3)社媒聆聽 (Social Listening) 社交媒體作爲消費者發表用家意見的渠道是一個龐大的數據寶庫,讓品牌能根據大衆的品牌印象適時作出回應及加强正面形象。隨著市面上數據分析工具的發展愈趨成熟,社媒聆聽更是來年的關鍵營銷策略。 (4)素人宣傳 (Micro-Influencer Marketing) 素人的Followers人數雖然不及知名KOL,但與他們忠實粉絲的互動更深入,找他們介紹您的產品不會有太hard sell的感覺。有研究更發現,有1000位Followers的素人的觀衆互動率比有100,000 Followers的KOL高出85%!而且他們大多是某特定產品種類的專家,能更有效助您品牌建立專業的形象。 YouFind品牌追蹤報告 (Brand Audit) 助您策劃最佳社交媒體策略 要制定最有效針對目標顧客的社交媒體和内容營銷策略,就要先了解他們的網上消費習慣和您現時的品牌形象。YouFind有超過1億的數據庫,讓您知道: ●目標顧客到哪些第三方平台搜尋和討論您的產品? ●您和競爭對手的網上品牌形象如何? ●怎樣的内容才能吸引您的目標顧客? 只要click入以下按鈕,便能立刻免費登記索取您的品牌追蹤報告!  

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All you do are FB and IG campaigns? Here are the top 4 social media marketing trends in 2021

Social media is always a key battleground for brand marketing. As leading social platforms have been launching features like “shop” and “product tags”, social media is no longer just a platform that can boost brand popularity through advertisements and campaigns. YouFind has summarised the top 4 social media marketing trends in 2021 to help you gain the upper hand in this ever-intensifying competition. (1)Live streaming Online shopping is becoming a public habit during the year-long pandemic. Today’s consumers expect to interact with brands and gain product information and while shopping online. Live streaming provides the opportunity for these interactions and…

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【Big Data: The Key for HKTVmall to Achieve its First Profitable Year】

Despite economic decline, HKTVmall announced an interim profit of $109 million in the first half of 2020 after previous 4 years of making a loss. Business volume has increased by 113.6% annually, representing an unprecedented success for the company. After failing to secure a free-to-air television licence 5 years ago, Ricky Wong, CEO of HKTVmall refused to give up. Instead, he embraced digital transformation and left behind old ways of thinking, outdated equipment and technology. Instead, he focused on building a citywide digital shopping network for Hong Kong. Rick’s effort paid off 4 years later. During a recent interview with…

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MeWe helps you, helps you, and 3 reflections before the brand opens up a new position

As an active user of the social platform (friends who will be interested in this, I believe the author’s comment is quite pertinent), I believe you must have heard of the name of MeWe, a social platform. As a relatively young social media company, MeWe has recently gained popularity, attracting a large number of young users. Instead, it’s worth thinking about what kind of advantages this platform can bring to brands at this moment and in the future. 1. Hard, no ads? In fact, in recent years, when we are positioning marketing strategies for brands, we are constantly lobbying and…

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Hong Kong businesses are optimistic about the future, according to Hong Kong Brand Development Council’s latest survey

In June, the Hong Kong Brand Development Council (the BDC) conducted a survey under the banner of “Hong Kong Brands: The Road to Relaunch”, aiming to understand the measures taken by Hong Kong businesses to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The survey revealed that 83% of responding companies reported a drop in business turnover from 30 to 50%. The business environment is tough and still with a lot uncertainty. Whilst business is tough for most, 80% of respondents held a positive or neutral attitude toward business outlook in the coming year, and these businesses recognise digital transformation as the…

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Detailed explanation of online and offline promotion skills

If you want to do a good job in the promotion of foreign trade websites, you need to determine what are the channels to be promoted before formally implementing the promotion plan? The characteristics of these channels must be clearly grasped! Today, Youyihua will focus on “how to do the promotion of the foreign trade website, how to do a good job in the promotion of the foreign trade website, and several key points of the promotion of the foreign trade website!” Understand the channels and methods of foreign trade website promotion Usually the channels and methods of foreign trade…

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10 online consumption data you need to know in 2021

In the age of digital fragmentation, it takes you and your audience six to eight online exchanges to get a lead. Traditional marketing tactics, such as advertising, have been ineffective against savvy consumers, who gather information from various sources before deciding to buy a product. As a result, today’s online consumer journey has become increasingly complex and difficult to master! (Google Image) To develop the best digital marketing strategy for your company, we first need to unpack the online customer journey of your target customers. With the help of big data, we can find your online opportunities: ● How much…

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Free online customer tracking reports to help you improve ROI and plan your marketing plan for 2021

After a year of pandemic abuse, most customers have shifted their spending patterns from offline to online. To plan for 2021 and ensure that your digital solutions are up to date with the changing spending habits of your target customers, it’s important to evaluate your 2020 digital strategy. To this end, YouFind will provide you with a free online customer journey audit to break down the online shopping journey of your target customers. Our reports will also help you understand whether your current digital strategy is directly targeting your target customers and conveying your brand’s positive message to them. With…

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Merry Christmas! YouFind Early Bird Discount Offer

Merry Christmas and we wish you all the best this coming holiday!  This might be the busiest time of the year as your marketing team is reviewing your strategies of 2020 and getting ready for 2021. Throughout the years, many of our clients often struggle with performing a quantifiable cross-channel analysis of their digital marketing activities. We are delighted to offer you an Early Bird Discount on our Customer Lifecycle Dashboard that will help you to monitor the ROI of your digital marketing and draw better insights for your future marketing plan.   Our Customer Lifecycle Dashboard is a data management tool…

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