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Harness the big data of Digital Audit to create limitless opportunities

With the proper management of big data, it is possible to understand the habits of consumers and competitors and carry out targeted marketing strategies. However, many companies do not have access to big data, or fail to make good use of it, and end up with no data but no analysis. Digital Audit can effectively analyze massive network data for enterprises, gradually form big data from any small point of information, and then look for data with business value for enterprises. However, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false information, and it is updated every minute and every…

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Digital transformation is a new opportunity to break through the economic dilemma

Image source:hket With the outbreak of the Sino-US trade war and the impact of major political challenges faced by Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s economic development has not been as stable as in previous years, and the business environment and consumption atmosphere have become more stringent, with the government announcing that the economic growth in the second quarter was only 0.5%, a negative growth of 0.3% quarter-on-quarter, and the economy is still not optimistic and conservative in the second half of the year. While the current challenges are most felt by traditional enterprises that rely on physical operations as their main…

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The success or failure of today’s game promotion is not only its playability, but also content marketing

Earlier, a mobile game “Traveling Frog” was very popular in China, Taiwan and other places, and Hong Kong has also formed a craze, Chinese players alone have exploded more than 3.5 million downloads in a month, and many media have rushed to report. In fact, the game content of “Traveling Frog” is very simple, the player only faces two scenes: inside the house and outside the house; The player cannot directly control or communicate with the frog, but can only guide him on his travels by equipping him with items and collecting photos and items taken during his travels. But…

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What is Digital Marketing?

The importance and power of Digital Marketing Things are changing every second in Information Technology Industry. In 21st century, the enhanced digital products have created a brand-new living style. In the past, people tend to enjoy watching TV while they are having meals. For now, mobile phone has entirely replaced TV and can do even more. People used to go to shops far away to get what they need but as time changed, most people tends to purchase in E-shops instead as it is much more convenient and saves lots of time. Most consumers are so into this colorful online…

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KOLs are not only about scenery, but also need to be careful with their words and deeds behind the spotlight

As mentioned above, the future trend of influencers will gradually shift from hot key opinion leaders (KOLs) to micro-influencers. But it is undeniable that KOLs are still sought after and looked forward to. Earlier, a survey interviewed hundreds of children, and nearly forty percent of the respondents expressed their desire to become KOLs, hoping that more people would know themselves and show their talents in front of others, just like Ben Sir and Da Ge. Or many people will think that the benefit of becoming an KOL is that it is easy to get the sponsorship of the brand, including…

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Top 3 Marketing Trends for 2020 Win more business

After a tumultuous year, businesses must understand the top three marketing trends for 2020 to seize the golden opportunity to rise to the occasion and win more business. Market 1: Video Marketing is the most popular marketing strategy According to an analysis by Smart Insight, a marketplace learning platform, 83% of marketers in video marketing believe that it is becoming more important and are satisfied with the return received. According to a 2018 survey by Brightcove, about 53% of viewers will interact with companies after watching videos, which is obviously a huge opportunity for companies to market on social media….

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How to build a successful e-business model?

A digital marketing model is a marketing model that can carry all businesses. Even if others plagiarize, there are ways to continue to change it, and even get better. But it’s important to note that what works in someone else’s business doesn’t mean it works in yours. And if the digital marketing model is not viable, nothing will work. A friend said that he wanted to set up a website dedicated to communicating with the disadvantaged and that he wanted to turn it into a social media platform. I would like to start by answering the following three questions: Question…

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在互聯網尚未普及的時代,資訊的傳遞非常「單向」,我們接觸的資訊來源主要是大眾媒體──消息經由記者接收、由記者進行消化、整理、報道,再傳達至你與我。然而,在當今的世代,資訊不單不是單向,有是「多面向」,有如蜘蛛網,你我他可以獨立連結,也可以以群組的方式地集體連繫。從群眾的角度而言,當中尤其由 KOL(Key Opinion Leader,關鍵意見領袖)扮演著舉足輕重的角色,KOL 對在社交媒體所發表的評價,不單是吸引無數跟隨者的眼球,更影響很多人的消費決定。不難明白的是,很多品牌管理者、廣告商,現在都力求找到優秀的 KOL 以達致廣告的效果。 那麼,一位優秀的 KOL 該具備什麼條件?知名度高就一定有影響力嗎?其實不然。知名度和影響力,兩者都是重要的指標,然而,兩者未必有正比的關係。 一個知名度高的 KOL,很可能有大量的支持者(即粉絲,Fans)或者跟隨者(Followers),但未必代表這位 KOL 可以影響他們的消費決定;反之,一個具有強大影響力的 KOL,可能他算不上是街知巷聞,但他的一小撮的支持者對他可是亦步亦趨。 揀選 KOL 的質與量指標 再深入一些去想,行銷人員在評核如何選擇合適的 KOL 時,該考慮什麼因素?憑藉著我們團隊所累積的經驗,在此分享一下在選擇 KOL 時需要考慮的因素。 第一,質量上(Qualitative)的指標。 我們會視乎內容切合度(Content Affinity),當中我們會經常參考的有 4 個指標: 1.相關性(Relevancy) 我們會首先看該KOL是否該產品的使用者,有否寫網上資訊(Feed),他/她本身的專長是否與該行業 / 產品有關。 2.外貌及品味(Look & Style) 在這方面,香港人的確較為膚淺,這因素對消費者而言都相當重要,我們都會看KOL在互聯網上是否表現出吸引觀眾的外貌和品味,也看他/她的言論有否正面的能量?還是較情緒化或被動?這些都是很重要的因素,因為他外貌和品味關乎到他是否與該品牌切合。 3.語氣及行為(Tone & Manner) 從 KOL 的網上發佈,我們會看看 KOL 如何用字? 當他描述產品時,當中的用字是否切合品牌的需要?當中的語氣又是否能夠吸引(Engage)目標客戶群(Target Audience)?因為在網上,有些 KOL 有時說話較為輕佻或偏激,而如果品牌的目標客戶群是比較成熟穩重的話,這 KOL 的切合性就值得存疑了。 4.經驗(Experience & Voice) 我們會看 KOL 在該產品和行業上有多少知識,對受眾而言的認受性又是否足夠,尤其在電子產品(例如 Gadget)的行業,受眾很多時候在 KOL 上追求一些有深度、有洞察力的評論(Insights),藉此可以省掉自行探索的時間、心力和金錢。香港人很多都追求快捷、方便,這也是很多人跟隨 KOL 的原因。故此,我們也會看 KOL 是不是一個專家(Expert)、潮流的帶領者(Thought Leadership),如果是的話,這當然會大大加分。 第二,數量化(Quantitative)的指標。 我們會看看KOL的群眾影響力(Audience Base)。所謂群眾影響力,顧名思義,這部分的準則會分析較多數據。 1.接觸面(Reach) 這在指KOL潛在可以接觸到的受眾數目,如果是在Facebook上,會看他的跟隨者 (follower)的數目,在Youtube 上則看訂閱者 (subscriber)的數目,在個人的部落格上就看有多少讀者或點擊率。 2.參與率(Engagement Rate) 簡單來說,KOL 能否與受眾拉近距離?縱使是一位接觸面很廣的KOL,也要看看他的受眾是否會閱讀KOL刊發的資訊,甚至是作出回應,所以,從「讚好」(like)、「回應」(Comment)、分享(Share)等等的數目,可以讓我們判別受眾與KOL的互動量。 3.轉發數目(Number of Re-Posts) 以上兩點都是集中在 KOL上,其實,一個成功的KOL,很多時候像是一石激起千層浪──第一手接觸 KOL 的受眾有限,然而,徜若當中有人把資訊向周邊的朋友轉發、分享,這樣則會大大增加漣漪的效應,試想想,如果 100 個願意轉發的人都有 100 個朋友,而如果每個朋友都願意轉發的話,則變成有 100 萬人看到了,可見這般效應不單是倍增,而可以是幾何級數增加的。 第一類:切合度高、群眾影響力低 就著那些屬於內容切合度高、群眾影響力低的 KOL。我們會建議在這類別挑選幾位KOL,藉此精準地接觸目標的受眾,但不能只靠一個,否則整體的接觸面可能較弱。以「湯唯」為例,她固然是一位極具名氣、光茫四射的一線名星,憑藉她的外貌、行為舉止、品味和經驗等,她在內容切合度方面固然是毋容置疑,然而,她幾乎沒有接觸社交媒體,在網絡上甚少有跟隨者,所以她的群眾影響力相當低,她這些就算是一些例外。 第二類:以「量」取勝 那麼,那些內容切合度和群眾影響力都低的 KOL,我們是否完全不應該採用?其實未必。因為我們可以在行銷計劃上,採用多個這類別的 KOL,這種以「量」來取勝的策略,有助於製造迴響、聲勢(Noise),讓受眾感覺到四周都有產品討論,很多時候,這種「量」是以十幾個至幾十個不等的。另外,我們都會建議儲集 KOL,在有需要的時候邀請他們來參與公司的活動、就產品作出評價等,尤其是在出現危機時,這種KOL很多時候價錢較便宜,可以在這些時候幫得上忙。 第三類:內容切合度低、群眾影響力高 就是內容切合度低、群眾影響力高的 KOL,在行銷策劃上,採用這類的…

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Teach you how to do a good job of website promotion

If you want to do a good job in website publicity, you must first know yourself and know your opponent, you must first observe the better websites in your peers from the perspective of a user, understand and observe the structure and practicability of their official websites, whether it is very convenient in practical applications, whether there will be a cumbersome feeling, and then make improvements on your own company’s website after understanding these. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the browsing speed of the website, and improve the architecture of the website, because when the…

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The specific production process of web design

Every company’s official website hopes to convey more corporate information to the Internet that browses the web, including its own corporate culture, products and services. This requires the web design of the official website to be very well done, and then optimize and innovate the details on the basis of meeting the habits of most online web browsers. Let’s take a look at the specific production process of web design. First, decide on the theme of your website. To know what the basic content of the website is, it is necessary to achieve fine positioning, and the content and specific…

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