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Google谷歌海外推廣的過程中 如果通過LinkedIn發掘潛在客戶

眾所周知在谷歌海外推广的過程中社交媒體營銷所占比重是很高的,2020年特別是受到疫情影響,外貿行業利用傳統展會、平台等形式發掘客戶已經不再適用了,如何通過新的渠道來發掘客戶是外貿行業迫在眉睫急需解決的問題,而LinkedIn作為唯一一家獲准在國內運營的海外社交媒體平台,雖然大家都知道它是一個求職和招聘集一體的平台,但是卻忽視了它還是發現並於客戶建立聯系的最佳社交媒體平台。LinkedIn領英最適合B端外貿的社交平台,客戶質量非常高。是一個任何外貿人都不能放過,更不能錯過的開發客戶新渠道。對很多優秀外貿人來說,他們早已將領英視為收集潛在客戶信息資源的有效來源。如今領英已經成了外貿行業開發客戶的香餑餑。根據最新數據顯示,LinkedIn領英全球用戶超過6億,中國LinkedIn領英用戶已經突破5千萬,而中國LinkedIn領英用戶裏超過80%都是從事外貿出口相關業務的,也就是說你的同行很可能早已經通過LinkedIn領英開發客戶,搶占市場了。一個優秀的領英帳號是可以為你持續性的帶來客戶,帶來詢盤,帶來訂單的。如何利用LinkedIn領英高效開發客戶資源和穩定有效的詢盤?我們不妨向那些優秀的外貿人學習,試試社交化主動式開發。搜索尋找潛在客戶領英自帶模糊查詢功能,搜索框輸入關鍵詞(產品關鍵詞、人名、公司名),它會給你列出一堆搜索結果,有完全匹配的也有半匹配的。通過LinkedIn領英直接找出目標國家內自己產品的所有潛在客戶,從中找到關鍵人的郵箱、或公司的領英賬號,快速精准的搜索獲得海量豐富的客戶資源。良好的內容互動率內容互動率指的是一篇內容的點贊、轉發、評論、轉化的數量。在LinkedIn中,一個賬號發布的內容獲得越多的互動,賬號就會在相關的搜索和類目結果中,獲得越好的排名與推薦曝光。這一點提示我們,發布內容一定要優質,而不是粗制濫造。自我營銷既然是商業社交圈,那麼如何讓客戶信任你?專業的形象,自信的表現,對本行業產品的認知,這些都可以通過LinkedIn profile, Article或Share An Update,以及Company page等體現出來。加入LinkedIn領英群組加入一些與你的行業,利基或興趣相關的小組,擴大你在領英LinkedIn上的社交圈。參與小組活動是一種以有機方式結識潛在客戶並與之互動的好方法。LinkedIn領英SEO優化排名領英是一個搜索引擎,有自己的排名機制。你在LinkedIn領英上的搜索結果中排名越靠前,客戶找到你的幾率就越大。因此對於外貿企業來說,SEO優化搜索就是很好的一個方法。公司品牌與產品宣傳推廣領英是可以建立公司主頁,發布產品的。這無疑是一個展示企業形象,增加客戶信任的機會。通過LinkedIn企業主頁,多角度展示品牌和企業網站。這樣即可為公司網站引流,也能增加網站的點擊率,同時也方便對產品感興趣的客戶進行進一步溝通洽談,精准的幫助我們開發客戶。總結一下,LinkedIn領英能從找客戶,分析客戶,跟進客戶,維護客戶等方面幫到外貿朋友,同時還能幫助企業品牌展示推廣!

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Google Ranking Optimization Promotion Guide: Do a good job in 3 aspects Ranking must be good

If you want to do Google SEO optimization to get good rankings, you don’t need to have a complete and clear SEO ranking optimization plan! Today’s Youyihua Google Ranking Optimization Guide will focus on several aspects: Google Ranking Optimization Structure Layout, Google SEO On-Site Optimization, Google SEO On-Site Promotion, etc.; We will explain how to do a good job in Google SEO ranking optimization, and provide you with practical and feasible Google SEO optimization strategies, so that you can apply this SEO technology to your personal or business website. 1. Website architecture layout of Google ranking optimization For friends who are…

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How to do overseas network promotion for foreign trade brands in 2020?

How can foreign trade enterprises and brands do a good job in overseas network promotion? It has always been a topic of concern in the foreign trade industry! As we all know, overseas network promotion is one of the important channels for foreign trade enterprises and brands to expand overseas markets. Today, Youyihua will share with you some experience in how to do overseas network promotion. How can foreign trade enterprises do a good job in overseas network promotion? To do a good job in overseas network promotion, it can be roughly summarized into three aspects: SEO optimization promotion of…

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The rise of the “stay-at-home economy” under the epidemic How to lay out the overseas network promotion and marketing market of cross-border e-commerce

As we all know, affected by the epidemic, many countries or cities have implemented the measures of lockdown, the implementation of this measure, directly led to the offline consumer market (shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas) and other serious blows, and even many stores directly closed down, facing the huge impact of the epidemic, compared with offline, online consumption has ushered in a huge change, “stay-at-home” people at home have promoted the contrarian growth of online consumption, but also made cross-border e-commerce enterprises increase confidence in the layout of overseas network promotion and marketing market. According to data from overseas retailers, during…

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YouTube launched the “Creation Incentive Program” The best time to lay out overseas network promotion

As a user-generated content-driven platform, YouTube has nearly 2 billion registered users worldwide, making it the short-form video platform with the highest monthly active users. At the same time, YouTube is also the favorite social platform of the younger generation, and in a recent survey, YouTube bloggers have become a career that young people aspire to, so YouTube has launched a variety of monetization channels to stimulate the creative motivation of new YouTube bloggers. This incentive will lead to the emergence of more new users on YouTube, providing more high-quality content for the platform, and now is the best time…

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Enterprises deploy online overseas network promotion of “Internet celebrity goods” lightning protection guide

With the rise of video and live broadcasting, “Internet celebrity delivery” has become one of the popular promotion methods at home and abroad, but careful friends must have also noticed that Internet celebrity delivery is popular, but Internet celebrities who step on thunder also abound. On the hot search, publicly apologized, actively compensated, caused a scolding war, such incidents are not divided between home and abroad, more or less occasionally staged in the Internet celebrity group, there are so many people who plant pits, how should you be a shrewd “Party A”? Don’t worry, first of all, let’s talk about…

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“Riding the Wind and Waves” Twitter × 36Kr takes you to redefine the brand to go overseas!

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, all walks of life are facing severe tests, brand going overseas has become a breakthrough for many enterprises, what opportunities will enterprises usher in? On June 17, 2020, 36Kr and Twitter jointly held a CMO summit titled “Riding the Wind and Waves, Leading the Future” to discuss the new development trends of the domestic and foreign markets from multiple aspects such as brand going overseas, games going overseas, and technology going overseas. This event invited many industry leaders, such as Twitter, economists, Chuxin Capital, CICC, and 36Kr games, to deeply analyze the…

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In 2020, Facebook and Instagram brands will play new ways to play online digital marketing

With the development of the mobile Internet, it also provides greater opportunities and markets for overseas enterprises, through mobile Internet digital marketing, it will no longer be difficult for corporate brands to go overseas, for enterprises with brand plans to go overseas, it is completely possible to expand the influence of the brand to overseas through online word-of-mouth marketing, and overseas social media platforms as the main digital marketing channels, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of each platform in the marketing process and specify targeted social media marketing programs and marketing strategies. Let’s take a look at the…

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How to use Google SEO optimization for enterprise websites to develop overseas markets

With the acceleration of Internet globalization, Chinese brands have set off a wave of “sailing to the world”, and more and more outstanding enterprises choose to go abroad to find more incremental markets, but how can they accurately reach a large number of overseas target users with their products and brand information? It is a problem faced by many brand enterprises going overseas. In the Internet era, users want to understand a product or brand, often through Google, Baidu, Bing and other search engines to find relevant information, then the ranking of the enterprise website in the search is very…

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Foreign trade brand overseas marketing YouTube video marketing cannot be ignored

With the advent of broadband upgrade and the advent of the 5G era, social media marketing is gradually occupying a leading position, video marketing with strong visuality, fast pace of information transmission and other unique advantages, in the Google network promotion plan of major enterprise brands, video marketing is used as the mainstream marketing strategy, according to the world’s leading network solution provider Cisco (Cisco) predicts, by 2021, the total traffic of global Internet users will be consumed on watching videos. Friends who have done Google network promotion know that YouTube is the world’s largest video website, with 2 billion…

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