During the off-season in the education industry, websites can increase user interest and engagement through various methods beyond updating common educational information, study tips, and industry news. These contents are also suitable for publishing on official WeChat public accounts, making it convenient for parents and students to browse and subscribe.
For example, during the upcoming Lunar New Year, we can update our website and WeChat platform with special New Year-related content. We have prepared a collection of 2025 Year of the Snake New Year greetings, including over 100+ blessing messages suitable for elders, colleagues, friends, relatives, and children. Each greeting comes with pinyin and English translation for easy use.

Ten Classic Universal Greetings
Wishing You Wealth
Chinese romanization: Gōng xǐ fā cái
Chinese: 恭喜发财
Meaning: Wishes for prosperous business and abundant wealth in the new year
Happy New Year
Chinese romanization: Xīn nián kuài lè
Chinese: 新年快乐
Meaning: Wishes for happiness and everything going smoothly in the new year
May All Your Wishes Come True
Chinese romanization: Wàn shì rú yì
Chinese: 万事如意
Meaning: Wishes for everything to develop according to one’s heart’s desire
May You Have Abundance Every Year
Chinese romanization: Nián nián yǒu yú
Chinese: 年年有余
Meaning: Wishes for annual surplus and affluent, healthy living
Great Luck And Fortune
Chinese romanization: Dà jí dà lì
Chinese: 大吉大利
Meaning: Wishes for good fortune and success in all matters
Good Health
Chinese romanization: Shēn tǐ jiàn kāng
Chinese: 身体健康
Meaning: Wishes for physical and mental health, free from illness
Both fortune and prosperity
Chinese romanization: Fú lù shuāng quán
Chinese: 福禄双全
Meaning: Wishes for perfect fortune and official rank, leading to a fulfilling life
Lucky Star Shining Bright
Chinese romanization: Jí xīng gāo zhào
Chinese: 吉星高照
Meaning: Wishes for continued good luck, bright future, and career success
Vigorous and energetic
Chinese romanization: Lóng mǎ jīng shén
Chinese: 龙马精神
Meaning: Wishes for abundant energy and vitality like a dragon and horse
Peace Throughout the Year
Chinese romanization: Sì jì píng ān
Chinese: 四季平安
Meaning: Wishes for peace and safety through all four seasons

Health-Related New Year Greetings
Health brings prosperity in all things
Chinese romanization: Shēn tǐ jiàn kāng wàn shì xīng
Chinese: 身体健康万事兴
Meaning: Health is the foundation for all success; with health, one can achieve everything else
Energetic spirit shows new vitality
Chinese romanization: Jīng shén huàn fā zhǎn xīn yán
Chinese: 精神焕发展新颜
Meaning: Wishes for abundant energy and a refreshed appearance
Live long and stay healthy forever
Chinese romanization: Cháng mìng bǎi suì yǒng ān kāng
Chinese: 长命百岁永安康
Meaning: Wishes for longevity and good health until age 100 and beyond
Good health throughout all seasons
Chinese romanization: Sì jì píng ān shēn tǐ hǎo
Chinese: 四季平安身体好
Meaning: Wishes for good health and peace throughout the year
Fortune vast as eastern sea, longevity like southern mountain
Chinese romanization: Fú rú dōng hǎi shòu bǐ nán shān
Chinese: 福如东海寿比南山
Meaning: Wishes for fortune as vast as the Eastern Sea and longevity as enduring as the Southern Mountain
Body and mind healthy and peaceful forever
Chinese romanization: Shēn xīn kāng tài yǒng ān níng
Chinese: 身心康泰永安宁
Meaning: Wishes for lasting physical and mental health and peace
Health and happiness always accompany you
Chinese romanization: Jiàn kāng kuài lè yǒng xiāng bàn
Chinese: 健康快乐永相伴
Meaning: Wishes for health and happiness to be constant companions
Free from illness with complete fortune and longevity
Chinese romanization: Bǎi bìng bù qīn fú shòu quán
Chinese: 百病不侵福寿全
Meaning: Wishes to be free from all illnesses and blessed with both fortune and longevity
Dragon-horse spirit showing new vigor
Chinese romanization: Lóng mǎ jīng shén zhǎn xīn zī
Chinese: 龙马精神展新姿
Meaning: Wishes for displaying renewed vigor and vitality
Strong and healthy without worries
Chinese romanization: Shēn qiáng tǐ jiàn lè wú yōu
Chinese: 身强体健乐无忧
Meaning: Wishes for physical strength and a life free from worries
Health and peace bring fullness of fortune
Chinese romanization: Kāng tài ān lè fú mǎn mén
Chinese: 康泰安乐福满门
Meaning: Wishes for health, peace, and happiness for the whole family
Forever enjoy health and longevity
Chinese romanization: Yǒng xiǎng jiàn kāng fú shòu cháng
Chinese: 永享健康福寿长
Meaning: Wishes for lasting health and extended fortune
Fresh spirit renewed every day
Chinese romanization: Rì rì jīng shén huàn fā xīn
Chinese: 日日精神焕发新
Meaning: Wishes for renewed vitality each day
Fortune, longevity and health lasting forever
Chinese romanization: Fú shòu ān kāng yǒng mián cháng
Chinese: 福寿安康永绵长
Meaning: Wishes for enduring fortune, longevity, and health
Free from illness and disaster with complete fortune
Chinese romanization: Wú bìng wú zāi fú shòu quán
Chinese: 无病无灾福寿全
Meaning: Wishes to be free from illness and disaster, with complete fortune and longevity
Healthy body brings great fortune
Chinese romanization: Shēn tǐ jiàn wàng fú yùn gāo
Chinese: 身体健旺福运高
Meaning: Wishes for robust health and great fortune
Healthy physique unfolds grand plans
Chinese romanization: Kāng jiàn tǐ pò zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 康健体魄展宏图
Meaning: With a healthy body, one can achieve grand aspirations
Extended years with lasting health
Chinese romanization: Yán nián yì shòu yǒng ān kāng
Chinese: 延年益寿永安康
Meaning: Wishes for extended life and lasting health
No illness with fullness of fortune
Chinese romanization: Bǎi bìng bù shēng fú mǎn táng
Chinese: 百病不生福满堂
Meaning: Wishes to be free from all illnesses and filled with fortune
Body and mind joyful and peaceful forever
Chinese romanization: Shēn xīn yú yuè yǒng ān níng
Chinese: 身心愉悦永安宁
Meaning: Wishes for lasting physical and mental joy and peace

New Year Greetings for Children
Progress in studies achieving excellence
Chinese romanization: Xué yè jìn bù chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 学业进步创佳绩
Meaning: Wishes for continuous progress in studies and achieving outstanding results
Smart and clever showing talent
Chinese romanization: Cōng míng líng lì zhǎn cái huá
Chinese: 聪明伶俐展才华
Meaning: Wishes for children to be smart and quick-witted, fully displaying their talents
Grow tall with fullness of fortune
Chinese romanization: Kuài gāo zhǎng dà fú mǎn mén
Chinese: 快高长大福满门
Meaning: Wishes for healthy growth and abundant blessings
Happy and smiling every day
Chinese romanization: Tiān tiān kāi xīn xiào hē hē
Chinese: 天天开心笑呵呵
Meaning: Wishes for children to be happy and smiling every day
Studies improving to new heights
Chinese romanization: Xué xí jìn bù chuàng xīn gāo
Chinese: 学习进步创新高
Meaning: Wishes for continuous self-improvement in studies and reaching new heights
Future bright like spreading wings
Chinese romanization: Qián chéng sì jǐn zhǎn chì fēi
Chinese: 前程似锦展翅飞
Meaning: Wishes for a bright future, soaring high like spreading wings
Grow happily with coming fortune
Chinese romanization: Kuài lè chéng zhǎng fú yùn lái
Chinese: 快乐成长福运来
Meaning: Wishes for happy growth and continuous good fortune
Wisdom and intelligence always accompany
Chinese romanization: Zhì huì cōng míng yǒng xiāng bàn
Chinese: 智慧聪明永相伴
Meaning: Wishes for wisdom and intelligence to be constant companions
Lively and cute with much blessing
Chinese romanization: Huó pō kě ài fú qì duō
Chinese: 活泼可爱福气多
Meaning: Wishes to stay lively and adorable with abundant blessings
Grow strong unfolding grand plans
Chinese romanization: Zhuó zhuàng chéng zhǎng zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 茁壮成长展宏图
Meaning: Wishes for healthy, strong growth and achieving grand aspirations
Natural talent showing brilliance
Chinese romanization: Tiān zī cōng yǐng zhǎn cái huá
Chinese: 天资聪颖展才华
Meaning: Wishes for natural intelligence to shine and display outstanding talents
Grow healthy without worries
Chinese romanization: Jiàn kāng chéng zhǎng lè wú yōu
Chinese: 健康成长乐无忧
Meaning: Wishes for healthy and happy growth without worries
Bright future showing new bearing
Chinese romanization: Qián tú guāng míng zhǎn xīn zī
Chinese: 前途光明展新姿
Meaning: Wishes for a bright future and showing new potential
Studies improving step by step
Chinese romanization: Xué xí jìn bù bù bù gāo
Chinese: 学习进步步步高
Meaning: Wishes for continuous improvement in studies, advancing step by step
Happy childhood always accompanying
Chinese romanization: Kuài lè tóng nián yǒng xiāng bàn
Chinese: 快乐童年永相伴
Meaning: Wishes for happiness to always accompany childhood
Clever and smart with coming fortune
Chinese romanization: Cōng míng líng lì fú yùn lái
Chinese: 聪明伶俐福运来
Meaning: Wishes for cleverness and continuous good fortune
Excellent grades showing brilliance
Chinese romanization: Chéng jì yōu yì zhǎn guāng máng
Chinese: 成绩优异展光芒
Meaning: Wishes for achieving excellent grades and showing brilliant potential
Improving daily creating future
Chinese romanization: Tiān tiān xiàng shàng chuàng wèi lái
Chinese: 天天向上创未来
Meaning: Wishes for daily progress and creating a beautiful future
Grow strong with much blessing
Chinese romanization: Zhuó zhuàng chéng zhǎng fú qì duō
Chinese: 茁壮成长福气多
Meaning: Wishes for strong, healthy growth and abundant blessings
Future bright unfolding grand plans
Chinese romanization: Qián chéng sì jǐn zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 前程似锦展鸿图
Meaning: Wishes for a bright, promising future and achieving grand aspirations

Financial Fortune Greetings
Wealth flowing in abundantly
Chinese romanization: Cái yuán guǎng jìn dà fù guì
Chinese: 财源广进大富贵
Meaning: Wishes for prosperity and wealth flowing in continuously
Business prospering with many profits
Chinese romanization: Shēng yì xīng lóng lì duō duō
Chinese: 生意兴隆利多多
Meaning: Wishes for flourishing business and abundant profits
Home filled with gold and jade
Chinese romanization: Jīn yù mǎn táng fú mǎn mén
Chinese: 金玉满堂福满门
Meaning: Wishes for a home filled with wealth and blessings
Financial fortune rising step by step
Chinese romanization: Cái yùn hēng tōng bù bù gāo
Chinese: 财运亨通步步高
Meaning: Wishes for continuously improving financial fortune
Endless joy with incoming wealth
Chinese romanization: Zhāo cái jìn bǎo lè wú qióng
Chinese: 招财进宝乐无穷
Meaning: Wishes for endless wealth and happiness
Money like rain, fortune vast as sea
Chinese romanization: Qián cái rú yǔ fú rú hǎi
Chinese: 钱财如雨福如海
Meaning: Wishes for money as plentiful as rain and fortune as vast as the ocean
Wealth rolling in like a mountain
Chinese romanization: Cái yuán gǔn gǔn jìn bǎo shān
Chinese: 财源滚滚进宝山
Meaning: Wishes for wealth to accumulate like a mountain
Business prospering across four seas
Chinese romanization: Shēng yì xīng wàng dá sì hǎi
Chinese: 生意兴旺达四海
Meaning: Wishes for business success reaching far and wide
Gold everywhere with lucky star shining
Chinese romanization: Huáng jīn biàn dì fú xīng zhào
Chinese: 黄金遍地福星照
Meaning: Wishes for wealth everywhere under the blessing of lucky stars
Wealth flowing with fortune coming
Chinese romanization: Cái yùn hēng tōng fú yùn lái
Chinese: 财运亨通福运来
Meaning: Wishes for both wealth and good fortune to arrive
Business thriving bringing wealth
Chinese romanization: Shēng yì xīng lóng fù guì lái
Chinese: 生意兴隆富贵来
Meaning: Wishes for thriving business bringing prosperity
Wealth flowing in endlessly
Chinese romanization: Cái yuán guǎng jìn yǒng bù duàn
Chinese: 财源广进永不断
Meaning: Wishes for never-ending sources of wealth
Attracting wealth with gold everywhere
Chinese romanization: Zhāo cái jìn bǎo biàn dì huáng jīn
Chinese: 招财进宝遍地黄金
Meaning: Wishes for attracting wealth and finding gold everywhere
Business thriving in all seasons
Chinese romanization: Shēng yì xīng lóng sì jì fā
Chinese: 生意兴隆四季发
Meaning: Wishes for business to prosper throughout all seasons
Wealth growing like spring grass
Chinese romanization: Cái yuán mào shèng rú chūn cǎo
Chinese: 财源茂盛如春草
Meaning: Wishes for wealth to grow vigorously like spring grass
Business brilliant achieving excellence
Chinese romanization: Shēng yì huī huáng chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 生意辉煌创佳绩
Meaning: Wishes for brilliant business achievements
Wealth flowing unfolding grand plans
Chinese romanization: Cái yùn hēng tōng zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 财运亨通展宏图
Meaning: Wishes for smooth financial fortune and achieving grand plans
Wealth and luck always accompanying
Chinese romanization: Fù guì jí xiáng yǒng xiāng bàn
Chinese: 富贵吉祥永相伴
Meaning: Wishes for wealth and good fortune to be constant companions
Daily gaining wealth with full fortune
Chinese romanization: Rì jìn dǒu jīn fú mǎn mén
Chinese: 日进斗金福满门
Meaning: Wishes for substantial daily earnings and abundant fortune
Wealth rolling like Yangtze River
Chinese romanization: Cái yuán gǔn gǔn sì cháng jiāng
Chinese: 财源滚滚似长江
Meaning: Wishes for wealth to flow continuously like the Yangtze River

New Year’s Greetings for Colleagues and Workers
Work goes smoothly
Chinese romanization: gōng zuò shùn lì
Chinese: 工作顺利
Meaning: Wishing for a smooth work process without any obstacles.
Career advancement
Chinese romanization: shì yè jìn bù
Chinese: 事业进步
Meaning: Wishing for career development and progress.
Pleasant cooperation
Chinese romanization: hé zuò yú kuài
Chinese: 合作愉快
Meaning: Wishing for a pleasant and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Create the future together
Chinese romanization: gòng chuàng wèi lái
Chinese: 共创未来
Meaning: Working hand in hand to create a bright future.
Performance soars
Chinese romanization: yè jì pān gāo
Chinese: 业绩攀高
Meaning: Wishing for continuous growth in performance, reaching new heights.
Dreams come true
Chinese romanization: mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn
Chinese: 梦想成真
Meaning: Wishing for the realization of dreams.
Health and well-being
Chinese romanization: shēn tǐ jiàn kāng
Chinese: 身体健康
Meaning: Wishing for good health and a good state of being.
Family happiness
Chinese romanization: jiā tíng xìng fú
Chinese: 家庭幸福
Meaning: Wishing for a harmonious and happy family.
Wealth Rolls In
Chinese romanization: cái yuán gǔn gǔn
Chinese: 财源滚滚
Meaning: Wishing for a continuous flow of wealth.
Always smiling
Chinese romanization: xiào kǒu cháng kāi
Chinese: 笑口常开
Meaning: Wishing for a perpetually smiling face and a cheerful mood.
Promoted step by step
Chinese romanization: bù bù gāo shēng
Chinese: 步步高升
Meaning: Wishing for gradual promotion in position or status.
Wishes come true
Chinese romanization: xīn xiǎng shì chéng
Chinese: 心想事成
Meaning: Wishing for the fulfillment of all that one thinks and desires.
Good luck continuously
Chinese romanization: hǎo yùn lián lián
Chinese: 好运连连
Meaning: Wishing for a succession of good fortune.
Successful career
Chinese romanization: shì yè yǒu chéng
Chinese: 事业有成
Meaning: Wishing for significant achievements in one’s career.
A Happy Life
Chinese romanization: shēng huó měi mǎn
Chinese: 生活美满
Meaning: Wishing for a high quality of life and contentment.
Work to Your Heart’s Content
Chinese romanization: gōng zuò shùn xīn
Chinese: 工作顺心
Meaning: Wishing for work that aligns with one’s desires and satisfaction.
Wealth Comes in Abundance
Chinese romanization: cái yuán guǎng jìn
Chinese: 财源广进
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to pour in from various sources.
Wishing you wealth
Chinese romanization: gōng xǐ fā cái
Chinese: 恭喜发财
Meaning: Wishing for an increase in wealth.
Everything goes well
Chinese romanization: wàn shì rú yì
Chinese: 万事如意
Meaning: Wishing for all things to go as desired.
Boundless happiness
Chinese romanization: kuài lè wú biān
Chinese: 快乐无边
Meaning: Wishing for limitless joy without boundaries.
Happiness and well-being
Chinese romanization: xìng fú ān kāng
Chinese: 幸福安康
Meaning: Wishing for a life of happiness and good health.
New Year’s Greetings for Bosses and Business Partners
Wealth comes in abundance
Chinese romanization: cái yuán guǎng jìn
Chinese: 财源广进
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to flow in from all directions.
Business prosperity
Chinese romanization: shì yè fā dá
Chinese: 事业发达
Meaning: Wishing for the business to flourish and thrive.
Successful cooperation
Chinese romanization: hé zuò chéng gōng
Chinese: 合作成功
Meaning: Wishing for a successful partnership.
Create a win-win situation
Chinese romanization: gòng chuàng shuāng yíng
Chinese: 共创双赢
Meaning: Wishing for mutual benefits in our cooperation.
Outstanding performance
Chinese romanization: yè jì chū zhuó
Chinese: 业绩卓越
Meaning: Wishing for exceptional achievements and excellence.
Lead the market
Chinese romanization: shì chǎng lǐng xiān
Chinese: 市场领先
Meaning: Wishing to be at the forefront of the market.
Business Grows Stronger
Chinese romanization: qǐ yè zhuàng dà
Chinese: 企业壮大
Meaning: Wishing for the enterprise to expand and strengthen.
Reputation spreads far and wide
Chinese romanization: shēng míng yuǎn yáng
Chinese: 声名远扬
Meaning: Wishing for a reputation that extends across the globe.
Unfold Grand Plans
Chinese romanization: hóng tú dà zhǎn
Chinese: 宏图大展
Meaning: Wishing for the realization of ambitious visions.
Wealth and Good Fortune
Chinese romanization: fù guì jí xiáng
Chinese: 富贵吉祥
Meaning: Wishing for both wealth and good luck.
Prosperity and Success
Chinese romanization: fán róng chāng shèng
Chinese: 繁荣昌盛
Meaning: Wishing for a thriving business and successful endeavors.
Thriving and Growing
Chinese romanization: zhēng zhēng rì shàng
Chinese: 蒸蒸日上
Meaning: Wishing for continuous progress and upward development.
Wealth rolls in
Chinese romanization: cái yuán gǔn gǔn
Chinese: 财源滚滚
Meaning: Wishing for a steady and abundant inflow of wealth.
Wishing you wealth
Chinese romanization: gōng xǐ fā cái
Chinese: 恭喜发财
Meaning: Wishing for an increase in wealth and prosperity.
Prosperous and thriving
Chinese romanization: xīng wàng fā dá
Chinese: 兴旺发达
Meaning: Wishing for a business that prospers and grows.
Evergreen foundation
Chinese romanization: jī yè cháng qīng
Chinese: 基业长青
Meaning: Wishing for a business that remains evergreen and enduring.
Wealth flourishes
Chinese romanization: cái yuán mào shèng
Chinese: 财源茂盛
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to flourish and grow.
Successful career
Chinese romanization: shì yè chéng gōng
Chinese: 事业成功
Meaning: Wishing for success in one’s career.
Prosperous and thriving
Chinese romanization: fán róng xīng wàng
Chinese: 繁荣兴旺
Meaning: Wishing for prosperity and thriving business.
Unfold grand plans
Chinese romanization: hóng tú dà zhǎn
Chinese: 宏图大展
Meaning: Wishing for the achievement of grand ambitions.
Wealth and good fortune
Chinese romanization: fù guì jí xiáng
Chinese: 富贵吉祥
Meaning: Wishing for wealth and good luck.
Daily gaining wealth
Chinese romanization: rì jìn dǒu jīn
Chinese: 日进斗金
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to increase significantly each day.
All-Purpose New Year’s Greetings
Happy New Year
Chinese romanization: xīn nián kuài lè
Chinese: 新年快乐
Meaning: Wishing happiness and joy in the new year.
May Everything Go Well
Chinese romanization: wàn shì rú yì
Chinese: 万事如意
Meaning: Wishing that all things work out as desired.
Wishing You Wealth
Chinese romanization: gōng xǐ fā cái
Chinese: 恭喜发财
Meaning: Wishing for an increase in wealth and prosperity.
Wishing You Health
Chinese romanization: shēn tǐ jiàn kāng
Chinese: 身体健康
Meaning: Wishing for good health and well-being.
Wishing You Family Happiness
Chinese romanization: jiā tíng xìng fú
Chinese: 家庭幸福
Meaning: Wishing for a harmonious and happy family life.
Wishing You Career Success
Chinese romanization: shì yè chéng gōng
Chinese: 事业成功
Meaning: Wishing for success in one’s career or business.
Dreams Come True
Chinese romanization: mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn
Chinese: 梦想成真
Meaning: Wishing that dreams and aspirations are realized.
Promoting Step by Step
Chinese romanization: bù bù gāo shēng
Chinese: 步步高升
Meaning: Wishing for steady career advancement.
Always Smiling
Chinese romanization: xiào kǒu cháng kāi
Chinese: 笑口常开
Meaning: Wishing for a constant state of happiness and smiling.
May Your Wishes Come True
Chinese romanization: xīn xiǎng shì chéng
Chinese: 心想事成
Meaning: Wishing that all thoughts and desires are fulfilled.
Good Luck Continuously
Chinese romanization: hǎo yùn lián lián
Chinese: 好运连连
Meaning: Wishing for a continuous flow of good fortune.
Wealth Comes in Abundance
Chinese romanization: cái yuán guǎng jìn
Chinese: 财源广进
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to pour in from all sources.
Congratulations on the New Year
Chinese romanization: gōng xǐ xīn nián
Chinese: 恭喜新年
Meaning: Wishing a joyful and celebratory new year.
New Year, New Atmosphere
Chinese romanization: xīn nián xīn qì xiàng
Chinese: 新年新气象
Meaning: Welcoming the new year with new beginnings and changes.
Boundless Happiness
Chinese romanization: kuài lè wú biān
Chinese: 快乐无边
Meaning: Wishing for limitless joy and happiness.
Happiness and Well-being
Chinese romanization: xìng fú ān kāng
Chinese: 幸福安康
Meaning: Wishing for a life filled with happiness and good health.
New Year’s Greetings – Numerical Edition
Plain Sailing
Chinese romanization: yī fān fēng shùn
Chinese: 一帆风顺
Meaning: Wishing for everything to go extremely smoothly.
Two Dragons Soar
Chinese romanization: èr lóng téng fēi
Chinese: 二龙腾飞
Meaning: Symbolizing strength and vitality, wishing for a soaring career.
Three Suns Bring Good Fortune
Chinese romanization: sān yáng kāi tài
Chinese: 三阳开泰
Meaning: Wishing for auspiciousness and continuous good luck in the New Year.
Four Seasons of Peace
Chinese romanization: sì jì píng ān
Chinese: 四季平安
Meaning: Wishing for peace and smoothness throughout the year.
Five Blessings at the Door
Chinese romanization: wǔ fú lín mén
Chinese: 五福临门
Meaning: Wishing for an abundance of good fortune and luck to come home.
Everything Goes Well
Chinese romanization: liù liù dà shùn
Chinese: 六六大顺
Meaning: Wishing for everything to go smoothly and as desired.
Seven Stars Shine High
Chinese romanization: qī xīng gāo zhào
Chinese: 七星高照
Meaning: Wishing for guidance and brightness from the shining stars.
Wealth from All Directions
Chinese romanization: bā fāng lái cái
Chinese: 八方来财
Meaning: Wishing for wealth to flow in from all around.
United in Heart
Chinese romanization: jiǔ jiǔ tóng xīn
Chinese: 九九同心
Meaning: Wishing for unity and shared intentions.
Perfect in Every Way
Chinese romanization: shí quán shí měi
Chinese: 十全十美
Meaning: Wishing for perfection and completeness in all aspects.
30 Auspicious Phrases for 2025 Year of the Snake End-of-Year Celebrations:
May the Snake Year Bring Auspicious Energy and Continuous Business Growth
Chinese romanization: Shé nián ruì qì lín mén, shì yè zhēng zhēng rì shàng
Chinese: 蛇年瑞气临门,事业蒸蒸日上
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to bring a lucky atmosphere and for business to flourish and make continuous progress.
May the Golden Snake Bring Prosperity and Smooth Financial Fortune
Chinese romanization: Jīn shé xiàn ruì, cái yùn hēng tōng
Chinese: 金蛇献瑞,财运亨通
Meaning: Wishing for the Golden Snake to bring good luck and for wealth to flow smoothly.
May the Snake Year Bring Grand Plans and Steadily Rising Achievements
Chinese romanization: Shé nián dà zhǎn hóng tú, yè jì jié jié gāo shēng
Chinese: 蛇年大展宏图,业绩节节高升
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to unveil grand schemes and for achievements to rise steadily.
May the Dancing Snake Welcome Spring with Abundant Blessings
Chinese romanization: Shé wǔ yíng xīn chūn, fú qì mǎn táng hóng
Chinese: 蛇舞迎新春,福气满堂红
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to bring a spring filled with blessings and a house full of joy.
May the Snake Year Bring Great Fortune and Endless Wealth
Chinese romanization: Shé nián xíng dà yùn, cái yuán gǔn gǔn lái
Chinese: 蛇年行大运,财源滚滚来
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to be filled with great luck and a constant stream of wealth.
May We Be as Wise as the Snake and Achieve Excellence Step by Step
Chinese romanization: Zhì huì rú líng shé, bù bù chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 智慧如灵蛇,步步创佳绩
Meaning: Wishing for wisdom akin to that of a snake, creating excellent achievements at every step.
May the Snake Year Bring Hundreds of Blessings and Team Glory
Chinese romanization: Shé nián nà bǎi fú, tuán duì chuàng huī huáng
Chinese: 蛇年纳百福,团队创辉煌
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to收获 numerous blessings and for the team to achieve brilliant success.
May the Golden Snake Bring Auspiciousness and Company Prosperity
Chinese romanization: Jīn shé xiàn xiáng ruì, gōng sī péng bó zhǎn
Chinese: 金蛇献祥瑞,公司蓬勃展
Meaning: Wishing for the Golden Snake to bring good omens and for the company to thrive and prosper.
May the Snake Year Open a New Chapter as We Create the Future Together
Chinese romanization: Shé nián kāi xīn piān, xié shǒu chuàng wèi lái
Chinese: 蛇年开新篇,携手创未来
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to start a new beginning and to jointly forge a beautiful future.
May the Snake Year Bring Good Luck and Record-Breaking Performance
Chinese romanization: Shé nián hǎo yùn dào, yè jì chuàng xīn gāo
Chinese: 蛇年好运到,业绩创新高
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to bring good fortune and for achievements to reach new heights.
May the Snake Year Bring Added Glory and Collaborative Success
Chinese romanization: Shé nián jǐn shàng tiān huā, hé zuò gòng chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 蛇年锦上添花,合作共创佳绩
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to add more splendor and for collaborative efforts to achieve excellent results.
May the Divine Snake Bring Luck and Team Advancement
Chinese romanization: Líng shé dài hǎo yùn, tuán duì zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 灵蛇带好运,团队展宏图
Meaning: Wishing for the divine snake to bring good fortune and for the team to unfold grand plans.
May the Snake Year Bring New Prospects and Career Breakthroughs
Chinese romanization: Shé nián xīn qì xiàng, shì yè chuàng xīn zhāng
Chinese: 蛇年新气象,事业创新章
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to usher in new opportunities and for careers to break new ground.
May the Snake Year Bring Joy and Prosperous Business
Chinese romanization: Shé nián tiān xǐ qìng, shēng yì xīng wàng lóng
Chinese: 蛇年添喜庆,生意兴旺隆
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to add celebrations and for business to thrive and flourish.
May We Be as Wise as the Divine Snake and Achieve Peak Performance
Chinese romanization: Zhì huì rú shén shé, yè jì chuàng diān fēng
Chinese: 智慧如神蛇,业绩创巅峰
Meaning: Wishing for wisdom akin to the divine snake to reach the pinnacle of performance.
May the Snake Year Mark a New Beginning as We Set Sail Again
Chinese romanization: Shé nián xīn kāi shǐ, yáng fān zài qǐ háng
Chinese: 蛇年新开始,扬帆再起航
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to signify a fresh start and to embark on a new journey.
May the Golden Snake Bring Good Fortune and Company Expansion
Chinese romanization: Jīn shé xiàn ruì qì, gōng sī zhǎn hóng tú
Chinese: 金蛇献瑞气,公司展宏图
Meaning: Wishing for the Golden Snake to bestow good luck and for the company to expand its reach.
May the Snake Year Bring Good Fortune and Lasting Success
Chinese romanization: Shé nián hǎo yùn lái, chéng gōng yǒng xiāng bàn
Chinese: 蛇年好运来,成功永相伴
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to be filled with good luck and enduring success.
May the Snake Year Bring Countless Blessings and Unity for Achievement
Chinese romanization: Shé nián nà bǎi fú, tuán jié chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 蛇年纳百福,团结创佳绩
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to be filled with abundant blessings and for unity to lead to great achievements.
May the Divine Snake Dance Bring Spring and Career Advancement
Chinese romanization: Líng shé wǔ xīn chūn, shì yè gèng shàng céng
Chinese: 灵蛇舞新春,事业更上层
Meaning: Wishing for the divine snake’s dance to herald spring and for careers to climb to new heights.
May the Snake Year Reveal Grand Plans and Create New Glory Together
Chinese romanization: Shé nián zhǎn hóng tú, gòng chuàng xīn huī huáng
Chinese: 蛇年展鸿图,共创新辉煌
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to unfold grand visions and for us to achieve new brilliance collaboratively.
May the Snake Year Bring Good Fortune as We Move Forward Together
Chinese romanization: Shé nián nà xiáng ruì, xié shǒu xiàng qián xíng
Chinese: 蛇年纳祥瑞,携手向前行
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to be filled with auspicious signs and for us to progress hand in hand.
May the Wise Snake Welcome Spring and Team Achievements Reach New Heights
Chinese romanization: Zhì shé yíng chūn zhì, tuán duì chuàng xīn gāo
Chinese: 智蛇迎春至,团队创新高
Meaning: Wishing for the intelligent snake to herald the arrival of spring and for team accomplishments to scale new peaks.
May the Snake Year Bring Luck and Greater Company Glory
Chinese romanization: Shé nián nà jí xiáng, gōng sī gèng huī huáng
Chinese: 蛇年纳吉祥,公司更辉煌
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to deliver good fortune and for the company to achieve even greater brilliance.
May the Golden Snake Bring Joy and Peak Performance
Chinese romanization: Jīn shé bào xǐ lái, yè jì chuàng diān fēng
Chinese: 金蛇报喜来,业绩创巅峰
Meaning: Wishing for the Golden Snake to announce happiness and for achievements to summit new heights.
May the Snake Year Open New Horizons as We Create a Better Future
Chinese romanization: Shé nián kāi xīn jú, gòng chuàng hǎo wèi lái
Chinese: 蛇年开新局,共创好未来
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to initiate fresh opportunities and for us to craft a more prosperous tomorrow.
May the Divine Snake Bring Blessings and Daily Business Prosperity
Chinese romanization: Líng shé dài fú qì, shēng yì rì xīng lóng
Chinese: 灵蛇带福气,生意日兴隆
Meaning: Wishing for the divine snake to bestow blessings and for business to flourish day by day.
May the Snake Year Reveal Grand Plans and Team Excellence
Chinese romanization: Shé nián zhǎn hóng tú, tuán duì chuàng jiā jì
Chinese: 蛇年展宏图,团队创佳绩
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to present grand schemes and for the team to attain outstanding results.
May the Golden Snake Welcome Spring with Joy Filling the House
Chinese romanization: Jīn shé yíng chūn dào, xǐ qì mǎn mén lóu
Chinese: 金蛇迎春到,喜气满门楼
Meaning: Wishing for the Golden Snake to embrace the spring season, bringing an abundance of joy to every household.
May the Snake Year Bring New Vitality as We Create Glory Together
Chinese romanization: Shé nián xīn qì xiàng, xié shǒu chuàng huī huáng
Chinese: 蛇年新气象,携手创辉煌
Meaning: Wishing for the Snake Year to infuse new energy and for us to co-create brilliant accomplishments.

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