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Month: May 2023

Digital marketing company Promote online monitoring of brands PR catastrophe turns crisis into opportunity In recent years, with the digital transformation of more and more traditional enterprises, digital marketing has also played an important role in their overall promotion strategy. Jeffrey, Director and Founder of You Find Limited, who has helped clients make successful transitions, …

Digital Marketing Firms Push Brand Online Monitoring PR Disaster into Opportunity Read More »

Nowadays, more and more businesses are aware of the importance of digitalisation, and understand that if they follow the old marketing strategy, whether they are in the market leader position or not, sooner or later, their profits will gradually shrink and even be eliminated from the market. However, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have stagnated in …

In an age where everyone values digitalisation, why do NGOs tend to stagnate? Read More »

According to Google’s official big data, Hong Kong leads the world in the smartphone market, with a smartphone penetration rate of 79%, ranking among the top five in the world. People mainly use smartphones, mainly to play games, watch movies, or use social media or online consumption. Nowadays, more and more people use mobile phones …

Digitize the real world Read More »

I was fortunate to be invited by Google to attend the “Understand Digital Marketing & Analytics in a Day” seminar co-organised with the University of Hong Kong to share with the audience some cases I have done in Hong Kong, so that you can have a deeper understanding of how to make use of online …

Make good use of CPA to maximize your marketing Read More »

In late August, the HKMA granted the first batch of five SVF licences, namely Alibaba Alipay Wallet, WeChat Pay, Tap&Go, TNG e-Wallet and Octopus Easy Wallet. However, most people in Hong Kong do not have a deep understanding of stored value payments, so the popularity is far less than that of nearby areas. For example, …

Hong Kong is up to the era of going out without cash! Read More »

IT career talk CIO、IT professionals, IT entrepreneurs and academics will share some hands-on experience, from resume writing skills, introducing the latest and most popular IT jobs and path of getting into the industry, professional training, as well as startup experience and fund raising ways-will share all in the talk! Career talk topics: 10:30-15:15 Perspective of …

HKCS IT Career Expo 2016 Read More »

In the previous article, we discussed the importance of social media monitoring, and this time we will continue the discussion in the previous part about managing a brand’s online reputation. To manage brand reputation on the Internet, we need to start with three steps: first, we need to start with doxxing (Monitoring) to find out …

How to effectively manage your brand reputation on the web Read More »

In the previous article, we discussed the importance of Social Media Monitoring. Let’s continue with this topic and discuss further about how to manage a brand’s reputation on the Internet. To manage one brand’s online reputation well, there are three steps to begin with. The first step is 『monitoring』 which can help find out the …

How to manage brand reputation online effectively Read More »

Under the influence of globalization, the news and PR events of the same brand in different regions will affect each other, and the so-called whole body is involved, and the relevant information of the brand in any country cannot be ignored. Before posting any advertisements and messages, you should pay attention to the latest news …

Monitoring brand messaging is becoming more global Read More »

Recently, Mannings has caused controversy among many netizens because of the fact that he “still filed a complaint when the cleaner’s mother-in-law mistakenly took the stamps”. Afterwards, Mannings responded on its Facebook page, saying that the case had entered the judicial process and it was inconvenient to comment, and that he respected the spirit of …

In this new age of social media, PR marketing must be both sensible Read More »

Nowadays, whether it is your mobile phone or computer, you may have all kinds of informative data. Gathering sand into a tower, these huge amounts of data can become big data, providing merchants with accurate development direction and obtaining greater profits. Because of this, big data has become one of the most valuable commodities in …

Three attitudes under big data trading Read More »

Following the growing popularity of electric vehicles, it is believed that the next wave of disruptive innovation in the automotive industry will be driverless cars. Recently, Uber started testing driverless taxi services in the United States and invited 1,000 citizens to experience the service. Many people have a misunderstanding that the advantage of “unmanned driving” …

Big data of driverless vehicles Read More »

Time flies when you’re having fun, and just like that, another year has passed! Last Friday marked the annual extravaganza for #YouFinders — the YouFind Team Building X Annual Dinner 2019! With the company’s expansion, there arose a need for more communication and interaction among departments. Hence, this year, the boss once again invited a …

【YouFind Daily | YouFind Team Building X Annual Dinner 2019】 Read More »

Thank you for your support! Once again, the full attendance proves that besides search engines, social media is also another battleground for businesses. We believe that after listening to our case studies, everyone will have a better understanding of the respective characteristics of Facebook and Instagram, and will also have deeper thoughts on which platform …

【YouFind Recap | 「FB or IG?」 Free Lectures】 Read More »

Thank you all for your recognition! Mr. Jeffrey Chu, Director of YouFind, attended the “CEO x Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” and “Outstanding Brand Awards 2018” ceremony jointly organized by “Capital Talent” and “Capital Entrepreneur” last Friday (December 7th), and was awarded the “Outstanding Digital Marketing Strategy Brand” award! 2018 was an important milestone year …

【YouFind Wins “Outstanding Digital Marketing Strategy Brand” Award】 Read More »

【YouFind Daily | #YouFinders’ Happy Christmas】 #MerryChristmas! Time flies, another year has passed. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, our second Christmas party after moving to the new office was a huge success, with You Cafe bustling with excitement. It seems like we’ll be looking for a new office space again soon! After exchanging Christmas gifts, …

【YouFind Daily | #YouFinders’ Happy Christmas】 Read More »

Recently, the most controversial topic is Facebook’s testing in specific countries, where they’ve split the “News Feed” into “Personal Feed” and “Explore Feed”. The Personal Feed appears on the main Timeline, showing only updates from family, friends, and Sponsored Feeds; while Page Feeds have been moved to the Explore Feed Timeline. In other words, if …

[Facebook Tries Changing Feed Mode?] Read More »

We’ve finally done it! The feeling is still so exhilarating and thrilling! Last night, You Find won the “MARKies Award 2018 – Best Use of Digital” for our Amoy Noodle Sauce campaign, awarded by Marketing Magazine! Winning an award might be routine for others, but for You Find, it’s a recognition of our efforts. It …

【You Find Awards | You Find Awarded “Best Use of Digital”】 Read More »

Social Media Direction 1: Make Good Use of Social Listening Tools Brands can continuously monitor users’ opinions, discussions, and post-use feelings about the brand through social listening tools. This is very important for brand promotion and preventing public relations disasters, and it also allows for monitoring competitors’ movements. Social Media Direction 2: Continue Utilizing Video …

[5 Key Directions in Social Media You Can’t Ignore] Read More »

Three key words of digital marketing: 1. Relationship Marketing Relationship marketing, i.e. the engagement of online customers, is crucial, and there are three different ways to stick to this marketing model, namely Financial, Social, and Structural. If we want to do an online business, the ideal is to achieve the third one, which is the …

Three keywords for digital marketing Read More »

Achieving “measurement” in the field of digital marketing requires a new digital strategy model. As a strategist, I have developed digital strategies for many large and medium-sized companies, and with years of teaching and consulting experience, I have integrated a new “Digital Strategy Model” to visualize the concept of digital marketing, cover its characteristics, and …

A new digital strategy model to help you enhance your competitiveness Read More »

“Ever-changing” is an old term, but it is apt to describe the latest information technology. Millennials, electronics have disrupted the way people live: ‧From the previous “TV sauce rice” to today’s “never leave the machine”; ‧From the long journey to the famous store to search for favorites, now with just one finger, you can sit …

What is digital marketing (1) The importance and power of digital promotion Read More »

Hong Kong has one of the highest internet penetration rates in the world, and people’s consumption patterns have shifted from going to physical stores to online mail ordering. There has also been a change in the way consumers obtain product information, from the initial mass media such as television, newspapers and magazines, to the online …

Make good use of the “Search” tool to attract potential customers Read More »

“Both product quality and online reviews matter to establish the popularity of a cosmetic product. YouFind’s comprehensive one-stop service is crucial for successful promotion of our products. Get YouFind service to acquire further online prestige!” Liv Choy PR & Marketing Manager Dr. Protalk

“YouFind offered us a one-stop social media platform management service. It designed creative and original content that raises audience’s attention and is capable of viralling to spread our company’s message. lts effective coordination of our online marketing campaign in both Hong Kong and mainland saves us from worries and makes our brand positioning clearer and …

利口樂 Read More »

“YouFind always tailors our needs as a wedding venue provision company. lt cangrasp accurately what desirable attributes our customers are seeking in searchingand so it can successfully promote our corresponding unique features. We are elated to have YouFind as our supportive advisor for online marketing campaigns!” Faye Senior Marketing Executive My Seasons

“China is a huge potential market, and YouFind offered us massive support inhelping us promote our events and messages through innovative social mediacampaign on Weibo and Wechat. YouFind employees are sensitive to currenttrends and skillful to create popular posts,which is why we choose YouFind as ouronline marketing advisor!” Lei Zhao Overseas Market Manager – China …

Geneva Tourism Board Read More »

“HKBU has appointed YouFind as digital a”YouFind helped us gain greater exposure to our target audience who can search forus easily on search engine. Its employees are attentive and equipped with technicalknowledge. We are pleased with YouFind’s customer-centric approach! “gency for Facebook maintenance and for 2 years. Eddie Chan Engagement Manager Easycorp

“HKBU has appointed YouFind as digital agency for Facebook maintenance and for 2 years. YouFind successfully reached and engaged our target audience with frequent feeds and advertisement which have simple and colourful designs and funny wordings. YouFind also helped us handle enquires in time and provide proper actions, so we never received complaints during service …

香港浸會大學 Read More »


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